ebook, 24 pages
Published June 19th 2012 by Decadent Publishing
Genre: Erotica
Source: From publisher in exchange for an honest review
Rating: 2.5/5Stars
Goodreads Summary:
Jonas Wright wants his wife back in his arms and in his bed where she belongs. Grief and weight gain have skewed her body image until she cannot see the sexy woman he desires with his every breath. Nearly out of time and out of options, he risks losing her forever in a desperate, public attempt to show her how gorgeous she still is. If it takes the groans of strangers to make her realize the truth, so be it, as long as she offers her soft body to only him.
My Opinion:
An extreme action to get his wife to be confident about herself and that he still crave for her despite her appearance. Although interesting, I cannot fathom how her husband's action will allow her to feel his love for her and I find Jonas a little pushy. However, I do appreciate his efforts to show his wife what he felt. This is a quick read for those who love shorter (and extreme) stories as it can be easily finished in one sitting.
Opening line:
Jonas Wright reached for his wife's hand as they crossed Lazelle Street, but she ignored him.
About the author: L.C. Dean
Purchase from: Decadent Publishing
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